If you’ve ever taken Flamenco lessons with Sylvia, you’ve heard her proclaim, “You are the BEST!” It’s an encouraging reminder that you are incredible whether you fail to curve your arm perfectly, say “Olé” on beat, or nail that last step. Sylvia constantly reminds her students that they are loved by Jesus, regardless of their dance skills. How does she know? Because each student is made in the image of the Creator and the Creator is perfect; therefore, each person is “the best” even when they do not feel like it. Essentially, you’re the best “you” that will ever exist. Knowing this vital information, Sylvia encourages each one of us, foot by foot, to step into the wholeness of “you” by growing closer to Jesus.
In light of that revelation, let’s reminisce about Sevillanas lessons, rehearse our dance steps, and practice prayerful meditation via COLORING. On our website you can find a blog post that is home to some borrowed coloring pages [from GetDrawings and AZColoring(pdf attachements in link)] of flamenco dancers that will enable you to design your own flamenco outfit in whatever manner your heart so desires. Once you’ve colored them, send your finished products to Instagram or Facebook so that we can all see these beautiful creations! And most importantly, remember “YOU ARE THE BEST!”
~Spring 2020