In this post, you’ll learn a little Spanish. See the bottom for help with the italicized words.
What a blessing today was. Usually I won’t post every day, but today was too good not to share! We took a bus to a little church en un barrio de Sevilla. I was greeted with many smiles and even more besitos. As I mentioned in my first post, Spaniards don’t smile in passing. It’s not that they’re hostile, but they are particular about who they invest in. Despite all of this, the church members at La iglesia de Coria were the friendliest people I have ever met. Ever.
First, each member received a photo of one student to pray for over the course of the summer. I was able to meet one of the couples praying for me, and I could’ve cried thinking about how blessed I am to have someone praying for me, my family, and my time here in Spain. It is such a great representation of the universal church.
Next, we worshipped with them. My favorite song was Tu Amor Nunca Falla, or Your Love Never Fails, which is common in the states too! I was so happy to sing along with these sweet brothers and sisters in Christ. Some of the other SIS students were able to sing a few songs in English for the congregation.
Then, mucha comida and introductions! They had a map on the back wall, where we each wrote our name in the state we were from. We told them a little bit about ourselves. Everyone was proud of our Spanish and wanted to invest in our lives.
Then… some dancing! I was dragged to the center with only three other students and we attempted to dance flamenco. Let’s just say that flamenco is not my specialty. After this little adventure, we taught them the Cha Cha Slide & the Cupid Shuffle, and did a little freestylin’ to Uptown Funk.
Of course I can’t forget Limbo. This may be one Spanish thing I’m good at. Other than los niños, I think I was the last to go under the bar without falling! Hopefully I redeemed myself after the embarrassing flamenco dance. Que divertido! Click here to watch a little limbo!
Entonces, más comida… postres this time.
After dessert, they circled up and prayed for us. During this whole day, we were spoiled with regalos like handmade bracelets, bookmarks, and more.
And finally, we walked to the bus… Well, actually we ran to it, because it only comes to this stop every hour. We were laughing and waving our hands around as it started to pull away, and I’m sure everyone thought we were crazy foreigners… which I guess we are.
We were invited to return to this church, and I certainly hope to. Even in the United States, it is easy to get busy and neglect fellowship with Christ and other believers, and in Spain, it is just as easy to do that. There is much to see in so little time! However, God reminded me that His people are everywhere and it is important to spend time worshipping. Honestly, today was the most fun I’ve had since I got here. Sure, other things were more beautiful to look at, but today goes in the books!
En un barrio de Sevilla= in a neighborhood of Sevilla
Besitos= kisses
La iglesia= church
Mucha comida= a lot of food
Los niños= the kids
Que divertido! = How fun!
Entonces, más comida = Then, more food
Postres= desert
Regalos= gifts
~Taylor Ohlmann; Spring 2015