The World in Spain

It has been a week and a half since I returned home from my adventure across the ocean. I will say I was glad to come home, and even more excited to jump right into camp. So many people already have asked me what I liked the most in Spain, what I learned, etc. I tell them it is hard to put into words just how amazing my experience was, but looking back I can say I learned one thing: the world.11350626_10205333828838478_3270121110318815213_n

I learned the culture of the world. European culture is so much different than that of the United States. I was stretched to the max by the touchiness of the Spanish people, but I think I can say that I came back with it rubbed off on me (if you know me at all, you know how much of a feat this is). I tried new foods, saw beautiful countries, architecture and people. Here is just one of the beautiful buildings in Sevilla, the Plaza de España.

I learned about the world of sinners. Before going to Spain I would call myself a tolerant, non-judgmental person. But one weekend in Portugal and God wrecked my world by putting me amongst peers who were not Christians, like I was used to. Through this weekend the Lord broke down the walls of my heart of stone and replaced (and is still replacing) it with a heart of love. Glory to God for that!

I learned the world of God. This is my absolute favorite to share, paired with the topic above. I went to Spain with the selfish intention of deciding whether or not Spain was where God was calling me for my future. Through the series of events above and spending time with God every day, He changed my heart from my own decisions to being willing and ready to do whatever He wants, wherever He wants, whenever He wants. Proverbs 16:9 says, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” How true this is, and it was made so evident to me in Spain!

The Lord taught me something new every single day, whether it was how to love Him more, or to be thankful for the new piece of beauty I discovered in Sevilla. To pick one favorite thing out of the five weeks I was gone would be impossible, but ask me when you see me next about Spain, and I will talk your ear off and try to express how ready I am to go back. I guess all that is left to say is God Bless Texas, and long live Spain!

~Cate Walker; Spring 2015

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