Sevilla – Like a Dream

Last spring break I went to Disney world with my best friend. I had never been there before and didn’t know what to expect and Kelsie was so excited to go with me because I had never experienced it. It’s so magical and even though I never experienced it when I was a little kid, I still felt like I was living in a whole different place – away from home and where everything was sunny and beautiful, instead of being surrounded by corn and snow and freezing temperatures. It’s one of the best vacations I’ve even been on and I would go back a million times.

La Plaza de España
La Plaza de España

Sevilla reminds me of Disney World. Picturesque buildings with bright colors and happy lighting are all around the city. Ivy grows on the side of buildings and the architecture is nothing like what the US has. There is so much history to be found here and the culture is just amazing. They live life differently in Sevilla and I’m sure I haven’t even experienced the half of it, but I truly love it so far!

Every day I wake up around 8 and eat a breakfast of this cereal stuff that’s so great I could eat it for every meal. It’s got oats and raisins and dried bananas in it… last night one of my house mates, Abby, decided to try it warm. We couldn’t believe that it got any better, but it did! Classes start at 9 for me and I have a one hour break from 11:30 to 12:30, then back to class for an hour and I’m done! After that I head home for lunch and a siesta, which if you know me well enough, you know siestas were already a part of my normal day, but here in Spain, they are a part of everyone’s day! During siesta, families pick up their children from school, stores close, and the entire city heads home to eat with their family and then rest or sleep (I definitely do take the sleeping option). The city livens up again around 6 as people head out to tapas bars or to go shopping or running (which I have been doing and it’s so much better than running outside on campus – there’s no comparison) or spend time with friends. Dinner is served around 9:30 or 10 pm! Then I’ve been heading to bed around 12:30.

I have only had one day of class so far and it seems that they do a syllabus day here just like in the United States. I’m excited for classes to begin and to be able to put what I’m learning straight into practice. I’m so thankful for this opportunity to truly experience Spanish culture and make my language ability the best that it has ever been. My professors seem to be sweet souls, and I can’t wait to get to know them through the classroom.

This past week has been a little bit of a blur, but such a good and exciting one. Like I said, Spain is unreal. Walking down the streets in the middle of the day with the sun shining and the music coming from the performers near the cathedral and with the beautiful people here… there are no words to describe it. I’m excited to get into a routine this coming week and I’m even more excited to see what God has in store for me as I continue this adventure!

Keep me in your prayers as I try to learn the Andalusian “slang” here and just adjusting in general! I’m praying for all you all too! Hasta luego, mis amores.

~Alex Mertz; Spring 2015

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