School Outings

Every day I am here, I am more impressed with the Semester in Spain program. Today in my literature class we walked the streets of Sevilla and read a story outside of the restaurant where it supposedly occurred. Then in my art class we walked to the “torre del oro” (gold tower) to see the architecture that we had been learning about in class. Besides having amazing professors and classes, the school also provides us with a lot of great opportunities to experience Sevilla. Last week we had a “tarde de chicas.” The school took all the girls in the program out for churros and “chocolate caliente” (hot chocolate). After eating delicious (and free) food, they took us up the “setas” (mushrooms). It is a huge art structure that kind of looks like a mushroom. You can ride an elevator up it and see a lot of the city. They took us right when the sun was setting so we had a perfect view of Sevilla.


Amber, me, Kate, and a wonderful staff member at the school, Ana Bello, with our churros and hot chocolate.


The view of the setas from the bottom. It’s huge.


My roommate Emma – God definitely answered a lot of prayers by giving me a roommate as wonderful as her.


Me, Emma, Kelly, and Becca. Three amazing girls that I am so glad I get to spend the semester with.


My view as the sun was setting over Sevilla.

This week I also had the opportunity to do a “noche de tapas” set up by the school. They have people who live in Sevilla come and take out all of the students for tapas. Tapas are kind of like an appetizer that people here eat for supper. It’s fun to go out with a group and then split a few plates between all of you. There are tons of cute places around the city to eat, and lots of different options for food. We had a group of eight of us and our awesome guide took us to four different places. At the first two we ate tapas of all different kinds (I usually tried to eat it before I knew what it was), then we went for gelato, and then finally we had tea. It was a lot of fun to eat the food people here like best and be able to practice Spanish the whole time.

Eating gelato at our third stop for the night.


Christine and I with our gelato. I got American brownie mixed with “gofre” (waffle).


Our fourth stop of the night- an Arabic “teteria.”


Kelly and I  enjoying our tea. I thought it tasted like Christmas in a cup.

I could not be more thankful for how much the program is doing for us here. Besides setting up excursions, they also have praise and worship and small groups once a week. They are encouraging us in our walk with the Lord as we experience a whole new part of His world.

~Jenna VanZanten; Spring 2013

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