It has a nice ring to it, wouldn’t you say? After spending almost three weeks in Sevilla, I thought it might be time to share some of my daily life and experiences in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!
Home (La Casa)
- Family (La Familia)
I absolutely love my host family! I live with señora Maria and her son, Inigo, along with my roommate, Lizzie. I have had a wonderful time learning the customs of the Spanish home and eating my señora’s incredible food. We eat our meals together in the traditional Spanish fashion–in front of the television. Over lunch we watch the news and usually a movie over dinner. I’ve seen Forrest Gump, The King’s Speech, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Gran Torino in Spanish!
Meals (La Comida)
- Breakfast(El Desayuno)
Breakfast is a simple affair in Sevilla, like the rest of Spain, and generally consists of bread and marmalade along with coffee, orange juice, or hot chocolate. It is eaten in the morning before work or classes, which for me is about 8:15a.m.
- Lunch (El Almuerzo)
Lunch is traditionally the biggest meal of the day and is not served until about 3:30 p.m. A salad is sometimes served first along with the ever-present bread. Bread is a staple at mealtimes we normally have a role with each meal and biscotes (kind of a cross between a crouton and a cracker). The main course is very large and usually consists of food with a Mediterranean influence with a lot of tomatoes, potatoes, olive oil, and sea food. After lunch, we choose between fruit and ice cream for dessert. Normally, a long break (la siesta) is taken after the big meal to escape the heat. My absolute favorite meal is Paella, which is a traditional recipe from Valencia:
- Dinner (La Cena)
Dinner is a light meal that is served around 10:15p.m. We normally have sandwiches and soup or occasionally hotdogs. We also get to have dessert after dinner!
- Coffee (El Café)
During my break in between classes, I love to go to Café Rayuela. The owners are friendly and the prices are very reasonable! So far I have tried the Café con Leche (Coffee with Milk), Chocolate Caliente (Hot Chocolate), and Zumo de Naranja (Orange Juice). Hot chocolate here is so thick-it’s like soup!
- Snacks (Las Tapas)
The city comes to life about 10p.m here in Sevilla! Most of the bars and tapas places start setting up tables outside in the warm air about 9p.m. Tapas are a delicious late night snack that can be enjoyed at one restaurant or in a rotation with other restaurants. My first tapa was at T de Triana which is a restaurant right along the river; I tried the goat cheese platter with marmalade and honey. The owners are also very friendly!
Classes (Las Clases)
All of my classes are taught by native Spanish speakers. I love my professors and can’t wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store!
Spanish History (Historia Española)
Spanish Literature (Literatura Española)
Spanish Art (Arte Española)
Service-Learning (Acción Solidaria)
I can’t wait to start my Acción Solidaria! Every other week I will be working with men who are along in years in the Hospital de la Caridad. We will write letters, read, watch television, and play games with the gentlemen; I can’t wait!

BetweenClasses (Entre las Clases)Breaks (Descansos)
I love my break after my first class! I have two hours in which I can go to a cafe, do homework, or simply stroll along the streets of Sevilla. I love going to the public library to do my homework with Spanish students.
- Nap Time (Siesta)
Siesta time is one of my favorite aspects of the culture! Everyone just takes a couple hours to rest after lunch and to relax. I love siestas because I am given plenty of time to finish my homework and to also relax!
~Emily Robbins; Fall 2013