Wondering where to eat when you’re in Spain? See our read Sevillian Housing Coordinator’s suggestion! SUGERENCIAS: BARES PARA TAPEAR EN SEVILLA ZONA CENTRO El Rinconcillo Calle Gerona, 40 Espinacas (spinach with...
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Wondering where to eat when you’re in Spain? See our read Sevillian Housing Coordinator’s suggestion! SUGERENCIAS: BARES PARA TAPEAR EN SEVILLA ZONA CENTRO El Rinconcillo Calle Gerona, 40 Espinacas (spinach with...
Read MoreI am not exaggerating when I say that going to Sevilla, Spain in Spring 2022 was the best experience of my life. I know it sounds super dramatic but let...
Read MoreWhat was your most rewarding experience/moment in Spain? One of the most rewarding and honestly influential moments from my time in Sevilla is when we gathered as a school to...
Read More¡Hola a todos! So I’m here to share a few things about my first week here in Sevilla, Spain. Warning, if you see these three dots, “. . .” it’s...
Read MoreWhen people ask me, “how’s Spain?!?”, I find myself not really knowing what to say. You know those plastic ball pits you find in kiddie jungle gyms/human hamster cages? That...
Read MoreHi! My name is Brooke Brodeur and I’m a junior from Taylor University studying Spanish education, TESOL, and intercultural studies and missions. I’ve dreamt of coming to Spain since I...
Read MoreThe semester has only just begun but I am already enchanted by the lifestyle that I’ve experienced so far in Sevilla, so I wanted to share some of my favorite...
Read MoreBefore I left to study abroad, my study abroad program warned me about the big differences from America culture I was going to find here in Spain: things like food,...
Read MoreI can never get enough of traveling. I’ve visited over thirty U.S. states and seven foreign countries, doing everything from missions work to singing in a choir to simple tourism....
Read MoreWhen I look back on my time in Spain, there are so many memories to share: exploring Sevilla through five days of rain, spending a weekend in Portugal, doing homework...
Read MoreIf you’ve ever taken Flamenco lessons with Sylvia, you’ve heard her proclaim, “You are the BEST!” It’s an encouraging reminder that you are incredible whether you fail to curve your...
Read MoreI can finally say I’ve been to a beach after a 4-day trip to Lagos, Portugal! By the way, hello everyone! I’m Nay Mi Chele-Rhengboi and I’m studying public relations...
Read MoreFIVE WEEKS OF CLASSES IN THE BOOKS! Somehow, I have managed to squeeze in trips to Gibraltar, Córdoba, Toledo, Madrid, and Cádiz…wow. So is this life as an SIS student?...
Read MoreHey y’all! My name is Sarah Balkcom and I am from Memphis, TN. I study Biology, Spanish and Chemistry at Asbury University. For me, these past 3 weeks have been...
Read MoreBefore studying abroad, the first things that came to mind when I thought about Spain were cobblestone streets, architecture, bullfighting, and churros. I have thoroughly enjoyed many afternoons spent wandering...
Read MoreOne day at the beginning of the semester I was at Encuentro (a small program after school on Wednesdays where the students of my program get together to worship) when...
Read MoreThe world is a lot bigger than we think it is. It’s also quite full of persons. And, yes, I meant to write “persons” instead of “people” because I think...
Read MoreHello all! I’ve officially been in Spain for 77 days and in those 77 days I’ve learned a thing or two. Here are six things I wish I knew before...
Read MoreOne of the first things an American living in Spain must adjust to is an entirely different concept of time. Meals are later (lunch around 2 or 3 o’clock and...
Read MoreSince being in Sevilla, I have listened to the “Café con Leche” playlist on Spotify many times; it seems quite fitting considering the amount of café con leche I have...
Read MoreI have often been someone who tries to actively seek out opportunities for growth in my life. I also try to be conscious of stagnant seasons in my life where...
Read MoreAs I am nearing my last year of college I have been asked recently a few times why I want to teach English abroad in different countries. I had been...
Read MoreThese last couple days have been filled with preparing for final exams and finishing projects for my classes, and it has honestly been really nice to slow down and take...
Read MoreToday is Sunday, May twenty-seven, and I just emerged from my second week in Spain. Wow! It went by really quickly, but at the same time, it crawled by at...
Read MoreWhen I started planning for Sevilla, the thing I worried about most was getting there. Flying internationally, having a layover in a Spanish airport, keeping track of my checked...
Read MoreIf you don’t like crowds, then Sevilla during Semana Santa is not the place for you. People come from all over to witness the extravaganza of the hundreds of people...
Read MoreSo far during my time here in Spain, I have learned a lot about the value of cultural diversity. The instant change of attitude about schedules, socializing, and style were...
Read MoreYou would think that writing a blog post in my native language would be relatively simple, right? Or that with just over two months of my summer...
Read MoreTraveling around and outside of Spain has been a dream. In my first few weeks, I have had the privilege of visiting the cities of Ronda and Santiponce in Spain...
Read MoreVale. Venga. Vamos. My roommate and I half-kidded throughout the semester that all you need to know in Spanish are these 3 words. But we were also kind of serious...
Read MoreZooming in on my past week, I was able to do, see and try many new things. I think one of my favorite things that will happen each week is...
Read MoreLast spring break I went to Disney world with my best friend. I had never been there before and didn’t know what to expect and Kelsie was so excited to...
Read MoreExtraordinary: exceptional in character, amount, extent, degree, etc.; noteworthy; remarkable This past weekend a few friends and I decided to pack a picnic lunch and head to some Roman ruins outside...
Read MoreAn awesome thing that I’m excited about here is my Acción Solidaria (Service-Learning). I’m working with a program called Solidarios: Personas Sin Hogar (People without homes). I get to go...
Read MoreA recent blog entry from a beginner student on Semester in Spain who is studying Theology at Trinity Christian College. So classes started, and for the first few weeks we...
Read More1. El Helado We all learned about helado in our freshman year Spanish courses. Helado is ice cream, right? Wrong. Helado is so much more than that. Helado is life....
Read MoreYesterday my host mom sat my roommate and I down and asked us if we realized we had been here for 2 weeks or not and then wanted to know...
Read MoreI know the title is a bit cheesy but it really captures the essence of my week. (On a side note, please forgive my spelling because my spellcheck is stuck...
Read MoreI still have a hard time believing that I am actually here. The last few days have been a bit overwhelming but a lot of fun. The flight from Chicago...
Read MoreLesson #1- Take the Plunge The first day that I arrived in Spain, I was dropped off at Gym Galisport, a local fitness center in Triana. About 20 minutes later,...
Read MoreAs time drew near for my departure to Sevilla, España, I was very nervous. I had begun taking Spanish classes eight years prior, but
Hello! I’m Reba Brownell. I’m currently on week twelve of my semester abroad experience in Sevilla. I do not feel ready to leave yet, so
When I signed up to write a blog post on my experience with a local church, I assumed I would share what it was like