Cómo empezar

To facilitate the smoothest journey possible on your way to Sevilla, we offer a straightforward admissions process. See the outlined steps below for our application and enrollment requirements, program costs, and recommended pre-departure preparations.

Step 1

Connect with Our Coordinator of Recruitment & Marketing

We are committed to guiding you through every part of your experience with SIS with direct communication. 

For this reason the first step in our admissions process is to connect you with our Coordinator of Recruitment and Marketing. 

Whether you simply want to learn more about the program or would like to express an interest in participating, you can connect with her today.

Lilly (TCCSevilla)

Step 2

Decide Your Term & Know Your Deadlines

Late applications will be reviewed if time and availability permit.

Step 3

Submit Your Application Through Trinity Christian College

You will create an account under “First-time users” through Trinity Christian College’s application portal.

Eligibility Requisites

Step 4

Complete Enrollment & Required Documentation

Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email prompt to complete your enrollment forms. You will utilize the same login and password for enrollment that you did for your application. As the name suggests, you can connect with our Coordinator of Student Enrollment for questions during this step. Ready to get your enrollment going? 

IMPORTANT: In tandem with completing your enrollment forms, you will need to ensure that you have all the required documentation for entering Spain. This includes:

A passport is required to travel and it must be valid for at least 12 months beyond the end of semester / term. The application / renewal process can take up to three months, so please plan accordingly to have your passport in time. To apply for or renew a passport visit the U.S. Department of State page.

A student visa is required for students studying for a Fall/Spring Semester or longer than 90 days. For students who enroll by the early application deadline for their term of choice, this process is facilitated by SIS, otherwise students must obtain their visa individually. Obtaining a student visa from the Spanish Consulate will require your physical passport, so you will need a new or renewed passport a minimum of three months prior to your departure date. The visa application process takes place in the four months before your departure for Spain.  Plan to be without your passport for that time.

Step 5

Evaluate Program Costs & Make a Plan

Below is an estimated breakdown of costs* for your SIS experience.

*Please keep in mind that if you are enrolling through a university costs may vary according to your university’s policies. Inquire with your university for information on how SIS fees and payments are processed. Students who audit the courses will pay the same fees as those who take the courses for credit. All prices are subject to change based on the value of the U.S. dollar and Euro exchange rates.

  • Credit hours of coursework in Intermediate or Advanced Spanish studies
  • All books and course materials
  • Faculty-led group excursions around Spain
  • Local cultural events
  • Weekly worship, local church engagement
  • SIS 450 Service Learning course (Spring and Fall Semesters only)
  • Intercambios (language exchange partners)
  • SIS social events
  • Wifi access in the school
  • Spanish Medical, Dental, and Mental Health Insurance
  • Homestay with a Spanish host family providing:
    • 3 meals per day, 7 days per week 
    • Laundry & Cleaning
    • Linens
    • In-home wifi and study space

Required Expenses

Application fee $100 (50% reduction for applications submitted by early application deadline) 

Tuition $14,400
Room & Board $4,650 
Total $19,050*

Elective Expenses

Special diet $400 (can accommodate: vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten free, lactose free and egg free)
Single placement $500
Independent study $500 
Electronic transcript $5
Private tutoring 125€ (paid in Sevilla)
Sevillanas masterclass 90€ (paid in Sevilla)

Travel & Living Expenses:

Passport (See Passport Fees via the U.S. Department of State webpage)
Student Visa Application Fee and Various Processing Expenses
Roundtrip flight Varies, estimated $700 to $1,500
Airport transport Varies, estimated $50 to $100
Personal spending Varies, estimated $500 to $2,500

Required Expenses

Application fee $100 (50% reduction for applications submitted by early application deadline)
Tuition $3,000
Room & Board $1,000 
Total $4,100* (per term)

Elective Expenses

Special diet $100 (can accommodate: vegetarian, pescatarian, gluten free, lactose free and egg free)
Single placement $125
Independent study $500 
Electronic transcript $5
Private tutoring 125€ (paid in Sevilla)
Sevillanas masterclass 20€ (paid in Sevilla)

Travel & Living Expenses:

Passport See Passport Fees via the U.S. Department of State webpage
Roundtrip flight Varies, estimated $700 to $1,500
Airport transport Varies, estimated $50 to $100
Personal spending Varies, estimated $500 to $2,500

Step 6

Read our Policies

We hope for you to have the best possible experience with SIS. To help ensure that, we recommend reading our policies so you know what to expect with regard to the program and the processes of participation. For questions regarding policies please connect with our Coordinator of Enrollment.

For information on program processes, student expectations, recommendations for preparing to study abroad, and more, please review our Program Handbook.

For detailed information on refunds please view our Program Handbook, under Financial Considerations. 

For refunds at a glance:

  • The application fee is non-refundable.
  • During the final 45 days prior to departure from the US, a cancellation charge equal to 25% of the room and board fees will be assessed.
  • Refunds on transportation costs are the responsibility of the student and are subject to carrier regulations.
  • No refunds are available once a student arrives in Sevilla, including the circumstance of a student dismissal from the program.
  • In the case of an emergency, injury or illness that requires a departure from Spain: 
    • Any remaining cost of tuition will be credited toward the cost of another semester in the following year. 
    • Up to 50% of the remaining cost of room and board will be refunded.

Step 7

You're ready to go to Sevilla!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Give us a Call

+1 708-239-3999

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