Every Little Second

When I look back on my time in Spain, there are so many memories to share: exploring Sevilla through five days of rain, spending a weekend in Portugal, doing homework on the school’s terrace, kayaking on the Guadalquivir River. In two short months, I experienced the most mundane activities to world-changing events. However, the moments […]

Watching Water Boil

            Being abroad as the coronavirus started to become more serious felt like watching water boil; it happened slowly and then all at once. I remember hearing that a new virus had emerged in China shortly after I arrived in Sevilla in January. I raised an eyebrow then, but it felt so far away that […]


In the spring of 2014 I had the immense privilege to study abroad in Seville, Spain (or more affectionately known to me in its native tongue as Sevilla). This would be my first visit to Europe, my first experience with the anatomical wonder of jet lag, and a first in many other things yet unknown. […]

Semana Santa, an Alumni’s Reflection

As we approach the end of Lent and  prepare for Easter during Holy Week, I think it is important for us to reflect on our faith especially during this challenging time in our lives. My name is Fernando Velazquez and as an SIS Alumni of Spring 2018, I was heartbroken when I heard that the […]

The Bittersweet End

By Grace Schmidt, Dordt University Student Being sent home from our grand adventure abroad was incredibly sad news. “Sad” is such a simple word, but it seemed to be the only one I could use to describe my reaction initially. English, Spanish, nor any other language does not quite have the perfect word to sum […]

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